The Board

The board of Akva is in charge of taking good care of the association and its assets and connections. Additionally the board organises events and activities for members providing networking opportunities. The term of the board is one calendar year, and new board members are elected annually in the election meeting in November / December.

The Board 2024

Sofia Harri – Chair
Alarik Kuusela – Secretary
Frida Mitts – Treasurer
Tuomas Ridanpää – Vice-chair
Reeta Hartikainen – Communications officier and guilds/other associations master
Ilmari Peltonen – Master of Excursions and corporate relations
Sadia Suchi – Master of Excursions
Bhattabhop Viriyaroj & Nisha Javed – Event managers / Hosts


You can contact the board via akva-hallitus(a)

The board from left to right: Best, Suchi, Reeta, Frida, Sofia, Alarik, Ilmari, Tuomas and Nisha